Letter management - Batch Letter Writer

Zedmed's Batch Letter Writer is used when a Dr dictates letter content to provide to the Typist for letter creation. This process is useful for single or multiple letters.


  1. Receive the audio recording then open Clinical > select the Batch Letter icon.
  2. Select the Doctor New Batch > the Write Letters tab displays.
  3. Use the Search Criteria options to display patient/s.
  4. Select patient > Letter Section populates patient data.
  5. Complete Letter Details > To: (addressee), Subject, Template.
  6. Select Write Letter > letter opens > type letter.
  7. Close then select Yes to save letter with status ? To Be Reviewed
  8. Select the next patient for letter writing.
  9. Optional - Email Dr (with patient names once letters are ready for review) 


  1. Open Clinical > Batch Letter.
  2. On the current Batch > right click > select Review All Non-Correct Letters (opens one letter at a time ). 
  3. On the displayed letter:
    a) Apply edits.
    b) Close > select status ✓Correct then Yes to save.
    a) Create audio file and send to Typist
    b) Close > select status X Needs Correction then Yes to save
  4. Review the next letter.
  5. When finished, Exit Review > close Batch Letter.

Typist / Reception

  1. Open Clinical > Batch Letter.
  2. When all letters in a Batch are ready to distribute (status of ✓Correct) > right click on the Batch title > select Distribute Batch > Review warning message. For single letter: To distribute a single letter > right click the letter > select Distribute Letter. 
  3. Apply settings in the Print/Send dialog. 
    • If a recipient is configured for Medical Objects, the letters are distributed electronically. 
    • For recipients not configured for Medical Objects you can print or use Secure Send - Step 5.
  4. When all letters are distributed, an option is provided to Mark the Batch as Complete. Alternatively, right-click the batch title > select Change Batch Status to Complete.
  5. To send the patient a copy, open the patient clinical record > Summary Views > DocumentsSend to Patient.
     Status: The distribution status is viewed by right-clicking the Batch > Batch Distribution Status.