OLA Release notes

Online Appointments update - 22 July  2024


Update the OLA Log in screen
OLA Login page has been modified to only display the information required to log in or continue as a guest, text relating to having an account has been removed.


Update the Complete your booking screen to make it easier for patients to complete their bookings
Updated the Booking Confirmations page with cleaner styling and layout for easier usage on both mobile and desktop


Added a breadcrumbs bar with side functionality
•   Removed the existing sidebar.
•   Removed the calendar and search from the appointment selection page.
•   Added a new breadcrumb component to display the booking status.
•   Breadcrumb options are clickable which opens a sidebar with the ability to modify the selected option.
•   Added a new calendar component for the sidebar displaying a full calendar month.


Modify Browser Navigation for useability
Full-screen options for making an appointment now have back functionality using the browser buttons.
 If there is an error when selecting a time, the back button will refresh the available times.


Remove map and auto close sidebar for OLA mobile version
Removed the map on the clinic locator screen for mobile.
 Auto close side menu when reset password is selected.


Booking is lost when logging in on Confirm My Booking page
Fixed issue where the booking was lost if the patient logged into their account on the booking confirmation page. They can now login to their OLA account and complete the booking of the appointment that was selected.

Online Appointments update - 20 June 2024


Clinic phone numbers will no longer be truncated in the centre details 
In Zedmed, the practice phone number entered for the OLA branch had to include the area code or the number would be truncated in OLA. This will no longer happen and the format has been updated for easier viewing.


Changed the use of the term 'Doctor' to 'Practitioner'
The word Practitioner provides terminology that can be more widely applied and includes doctors, specialists and allied health providers. If required, Zedmed Support can change the term to one of the practice's choosing. 


The patient's first name and surname fields now support 30 characters
This is an increase in the character limit and allows patients to enter their full name when making a booking in OLA.


Removed the Welcome screen shown to new patients
The 'Welcome to NEW' screen was shown to new patients making their first booking, however, it did not add sufficient value and presented unnecessary options to new patients.


Enhanced the 'Pending appointment' step to provide clarity when using a phone
This screen now makes it clear that additional steps are required to complete the booking. Previously, these steps would be below the viewable area and patients could incorrectly believe the booking had been completed.

The Name and DOB fields will now appear at the top of the page.


Remove the patient notes field from the appointment booking workflow
This screen was removed to prevent the patient from using it to enter sensitive information and describe critical conditions that require a more urgent response.

Online Appointments update - 30 April 2024


Patients must now choose an appointment type in Online Appointments

Online Appointments no longer has a default appointment type. Patients must select an appointment type to create a booking to ensure they book for the correct Appointment Type. For new patients, you can configure OLA to only show the  New Patient Appointment Type.

Example: existing patient 

Example: new patient